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Peptide Informatics

In the last few decades, peptide based drug designing has been choice of most of the scientists world wide because of its low toxicity and high specificity. This page resources developed at our group for predicting following peptide properties; i) drug delivery, ii) epitope-based vaccine, iii) antibacterial, iv) toxicity, v) stability in body fluids and vi) structural features.

Resources on Peptide Informatics (Raghava's Group)

  1. AHTpin: Designing and virtual screening of antihypertensive peptides.
  2. AntiAngiopred: A Server for Prediction of Anti-Angiogenic Peptides.
  3. AntiBP: Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
  4. AntiBP2: Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
  5. AntiCP: Prediction and design of anticancer peptides.
  6. AntiCP 2.0: An updated model for predicting anticancer peptides.
  7. AntiFP: A Prediction server for Antifungal Peptide.
  8. AntiMPmod: Predicts the antimicrobial property of the chemically modified peptide.
  9. AntiTbPdb: A database of anti-tubercular peptides.
  10. AntiTbPred: Prediction of antitubercular peptides.
  11. B3Pdb: Archive of blood–brain barrier-penetrating peptides
  12. B3Pred: Prediction of Blood-Brain Barrier penetrating peptides
  13. BioTherapi: Bioinformatics for Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins.
  14. CancerPDF: Database of cancer-associated peptides of human bodyfluids.
  15. CancerPPD:  Database of anticancer peptides and proteins.
  16. CancerPred: Prediction of the cancerlectins.
  17. CellPPD: Computer-aided Designing of efficient cell penetrating peptides.
  18. CellPPDMod: Predicting the cell-penetrating property of modified peptides.
  19. HemolytiK: A repository of experimentally validated hemolytic and non-hemolytic peptides.
  20. HemoPI: Prediction and virtual screening of hemolytic peptides.
  21. HemoPImod: A Method for Predicting Hemolytic Potency of Chemically Modified Peptides From Its Structure.
  22. HLP: Designing of stable antibacterial peptides.
  23. HMRbase: A manually curated database of hormones and their Receptors.
  24. NeuroPIpred: A tool to predict, design and scan insect neuropeptides.
  25. PEPlife: Database of experimentally validated therapeutic peptides and their half lives.
  26. PEPstr: Prediction of structure of peptides.
  27. PEPstrMODStructural prediction of peptides containing natural, non-natural and modified residues.  
  28. PlifePred: An insilico method to design and predict the half life of modified and natural peptides in blood. 
  29. SAPdb: A database of nanostructure formed by self assembly of short peptide.
  30. SATPdb: A database of structurally annotated therapeutic peptides .
  31. THPdb: A database of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins.
  32. TopicalPdb: A Database of Topically Administered Peptide.
  33. ToxinPred: An in silico method, which is developed to predict and design toxic/non-toxic peptides.
  34. TumorHope: A comprehensive database of Tumor Homing Peptides.
  35. TumorHPD: A webserver for predicting and designing of tumor homing peptides.

External Links to web servers developed/maintained by other groups

This section provides URL/links to important websites developed and maintained by other researchers. It exclude servers by Raghava's group, which is given in above section. 

  1. AntiAngioPred: A Server for Prediction of Anti-Angiogenic Peptides.
  2. AVPpred: collection and prediction of highly effective antiviral peptides.
  3. AVP-IC50Pred: Multiple machine learning techniques-based prediction of peptide antiviral activity in terms of half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50).
  4. BIOFIN: Prediction of Biofilm Inhibiting Peptides: An In silico Approach.
  5. ClassAMP: a prediction tool for classification of antimicrobial peptides.
  6. PeptideMine: a webserver for the design of peptides for protein:peptide binding studies derived from protein:protein interactomes.
  7. RiPPMiner: A bioinformatics resource for deciphering chemical structures of RiPPs based on prediction of cleavage and cross-links.