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Medical Informatics

Every living organism have unique genetic features, thus personalised medicine based on genetic features may be more useful than generalised medicine. Numerous computational resources have been developed in group that can be used for designing person-specific or disease causing pathogen-specific medicines. These resources may facilitate; i) personalised drugs, ii) personalised vaccines, iii) strain-specific vaccines and iv) biomarkers.

It is well known fact that treating a disease is easy if we are able to detect it in early phase. In order to develop sensitive biomarkers, it is important to utilise genetic information. This page contains servers which will be helpful in designing biomarkers for different diseases. These servers can be used to differentiate between cancer and normal patients, different stages of cancer etc.

Clinical informatics or health care informatics or health informatics plays an important role in provide all information required for improving quality of life. This page will provide servers and software important for clinicians.

It contains servers which will be able to assist in the forecasting of a particular plant or animal disease based on the properties of the analysis of curated data. These will be useful to prevent and mitigate and control the spread of disease.